Helpful essay writing ideas: how to write a conclusion

A conclusion is in most instances one of the more difficult sections of an essay to write. After the writer has laid down their argument, sometimes arriving at a single point in a conclusion is difficult. Many writing experts recommend that this be the best written part as it is the part that the reader remembers easiest after reading their paper.

The essay should have the following attributes to be truly successful

  • Stress the importance of the introduction and thesis statement- this will ensure that the introduction brings the reader full circle, taking them back to when they were beginning the essay and putting everything into perspective. The conclusion should stress on the ideas in the introduction as this is a proof of the fact that it creates a new understanding.
  • Look to the future- the introduction is the end of a paper that most likely describes things that have happened in the past and their consequences. Looking to the future is a method of making the reader empathize with the writer and their ideas, and relate what they are writing to future initiatives.
  • Challenge the reader- a good paper should elicit a reaction from the reader and what better way to do that than from the conclusion. The reader remembers the conclusion the most, and putting challenging ideas in there will be helpful to the cause. Challenging the reader makes them want to bring the theory in the paper to life in their lives.
  • Answer the question ‘so what?’- Most times a reader is bombarded by information that leaves them thinking what the point of the paper was. The conclusion should show the reader the importance and relevance of the paper in a clear, concise way.
  • Posing questions- a question to the specific reader or to everyone in general is effective when used in an essay. The writer should aim at triggering a thought process or giving the readers a new perspective. This is especially useful if the essay is about life changes, such that the question remains as a benchmark in whatever the readers do from then o
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A conclusion is just as important as the introduction and should not be taken for granted. It should be clear and concise, because at this point the writer should have reached a conclusion or settled on a line of thought. It is a summary of all the important ideas in the paper, and gives reasons why the reader should take them seriously.
